Reveal Your Money Identity

Our identities are an invisible power in our lives that will either hold us back or advance our pursuits to achieve our dreams. In working with clients from all walks of life, Julia has discovered that there are a handful of money identities. Each money identity has specific strengths and weaknesses based on their financial behaviors and attitudes. Take the quiz to discover your money identity now! 

Financial Empowerment Snapshot™ PDF

This exercise brings awareness and is a great way to understand what your financial picture looks like today and how it changes over the years as you grow your wealth.

Freedom Number ™ PDF

Your Freedom Number is designed to help you get clear on the financial future you want to create for yourself. 

Financial Seasons™ PDF

This helps you chunk big financial goals—creating financial independence, getting out of debt, saving for the future—into smaller, focused, 90-day seasons, so they become more doable.

Value-Based Cashflow™ PDF

This is the anti-budget method that helps you track and pay attention to your money in a way that is aligned with your values and makes progress toward your financial goals.

Future Financial-Self Visualization

Studies conclude when people feel connected to their future selves they make better financial decisions. This exercise guides you and your future self to take action towards your vision.